Bibliography of English Provincial Book Trade


A checklist of secondary sources by John Feather
(Oxford Bibliographical Society, Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1981)
with later additions by Paul Morgan

The copyright in the original published list remains with the Oxford Bibliographical Society.
Many thanks to Prof Feather and the Society for permission to add the list to the BBTI website.
The additional material was provided by Paul Morgan - to whom many thanks also.

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AuthorTitlePublishing Details
Allnutt, W. H.English provincial presses 1478-1556.Bibl., 2 (1896), 23-46, 150-80, 276-308; ibid, 3 (1897), 481-83. Details...
---Notes on printers and printing in the provincial towns of England and Wales.Oxford: privately printed, 1878. Details...
---Notes on the introduction of printing-presses into the smaller towns of England and Wales, after 1750 to the end of the eighteenth century.Libr., 2nd ser., 2 (1901), 242-59. Details...
---Printers and printing in the provincial towns of England and Wales.Trans. And Proc. of the First Annual Meeting of the Libr. Ass., 1879, 101-03, 139, App. V. Details...
---Table of places in England and Wales, with their earliest specimens of typography.Ibid., 157-64. Details...
B., W. C.Provincial bookseller.NQ, 10th ser., 5 (1906), 141-42, 183-84, 242-43. Details...
Clough, E. A.A short-title catalogue, arranged geographically, of books printed and distributed by printers, publishers and booksellers in English provincial towns and in Scotland and Ireland up to and including the year 1700.London: The Library Association, 1973. Details...
Cotton, Henry.The typographical gazetteer attempted.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1825. Details...
---A typographical gazetter attempted. 2nd ed.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1831. Details...
---A typographical gazetteer attempted. 2nd ser.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1866. Details...
Duff, E. Gordon.A century of the English book trade.London: The Bibliographical Society, 1905. Details...
---The English provincial printers, stationers, and bookbinders to 1557.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1912. Details...
Knott, David.Aspects of research into English provincial printing.JPHS, 9 (1973),6-21. Details...
McKerrow, R. B.A dictionary of printers and booksellers in England, Scotland andIreland, and of foreign printers of English books 1557-1640.London: The Bibliographical Society 1910. Details...
Morgan, PaulEnglish provincial imprints.Libr., 5th ser., 21 (1996), 60-62 Details...
---English provincial printing.Birmingham, 1959. Details...
Neuberg, Victor E.Chapbooks. 2nd ed.London: The Woburn Press, 1972. Details...
Plomer, Henry RA dictionary of the booksellers and printers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667.London: The Bibliographical Society, 1907. Details...
---A dictionary of the printers and booksellers who were at work in England,Scotland and Ireland from 1668 to 1725.London: The Bibliographical Society, 1922. Details...
Bushnell, G. H., and Dix, E. R. McN.A dictionary of the printers and booksellers who were at work in England Scotland and Ireland from 1726-1775.London: The Bibliographical Society, 1932. Details...
Pollard, H.Graham.The English miarket for prrinted books.Publishing History, 4(1978), 7-48. Details...
(ed.). John Pendred.The earliest directory of the book trade.London: The Bibliographical Society, 1955. Details...
---The provincial book trade.RBGN, 10 (Nov. 1977), 9-12. Details...
Todd, William B., and Wallis, Peter J.Provincial booksellers c. 1744: the Harleian Miscellany subscription list.Libr., 5th ser., 29 (1974), 422-40. Details...
Wakeman, Geoffrey, and Bridson, Gavin D. R.A guide to nineteenth-century colour printers.Loughborough: The Plough Press, 1975. Details...
Wallis, Peter J.An eighteenth-century book trade index based on 'Newtoniana' and book subscription lists.Newcastle-upon-Tyne: PHIBB, 140, 1977. Details...
Bell, Bill'Pioneers of Literature': The commercial Traveller in the Early Nineteenth CenturyThe Reach of Print, 121-134 Details...
Bell, MaureenSturdy Rogues and Vagabonds: Restoration Control of Pedlars and HawkersThe Mighty Engine, 89-96 Details...
English, J.John Oswald of LondonQuadrat, 9 (1959), 13-15 Details...
Feather, JohnThe Provincial Book Trade in 18th century EnglandCambridge: CUP, 1985 Details...
Feather, JohnCountry book trade apprentices 1710-1760Publishing history, 6 (1980), 85-99 Details...
Hounslow, DavidA Moving Market: The Influence of London Books of Street Cries on Provincial Editions to c1830The Moving Market, 39-50 Details...
Hunter, LynetteCookery books and provincial printing in the north of England19th century S.T.C. newsletter, 6 (1989), 3-11 Details...
Isaac, PeterCharles Elliott and the Provincial Book TradeThe Human Face of the Book Trade, 97-116 Details...
Johnson, C.R.Provincial poetry 1789-1839: British verse printed in the provinces.London: Jed Press, 1992. Details...
McKay, BarryJohn Atkinson's 'Lottery' book of 1809: John Locke's Theory of Education Comes to WorkingtonThe Moving Market, 127-144 Details...
Mitchell, C.J.Provincial printing in 18th century EnglandPublishing history, 21 (1987), 15-24 Details...
Morgan, PaulHenry Cotton and W.H. Allnutt: two pioneer book-trade historiansThe Human Face of the Book Trade, 1-12 Details...
Robinson, F.J.G. & J.M., and C. WadhamEighteenth-century British books: an index to foreign and provincial imprintsNewcastle-upon-Tyne, 1982 Details...
Spufford, MargaretSmall books and pleasant histories: popular fiction and its readership in seventeenth-century EnglandMethuen, 1981 Details...
Stoker, DavidThe Country Book Trades 1784-85The Human Face of the Book Trade, 13-28 Details...